9/11 12 years later, We still remember that day

Everyone remembers where they were today 12 years ago.

I was in band class, 3rd hour. Some upper classmen were quietly talking about it. The rest of us hadn’t heard yet. Then there was an announcement on the speaker system to the school, we sat in shock and disbelief.  After a couple of minutes Mr Booth told us to pull out ‘Tears in Heaven’. He opened the classroom doors so the music will flow into the hallways and classes around us. I think we all played that song with every ounce of compassion and sadness we had.

We all remember the rest of that day as a blur. Seemingly, a nightmarish dream. We relive it every year.

Never forgot those fallen.

Never forget those who took the call.

Never forgot those serving.

Never forget We are Strong and United.

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